Spring Season 2025 Evaluations :
Feb. 8th and 9th @ Glencoe High
3rd/4th Grade: 9:00am-10:30am: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
5th/6th Grade: 11:00am-12:30pm: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
7th/8th: 2:00 pm-3:30pm: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
2025 Spring Baseball Registration is Open!
New to Glencoe Youth Baseball (GYB)?
GYB was created to provide kids ages Pre-K through 8th grade in the Glencoe community access to baseball. Players at all skill levels are welcome, even if that means they’ve never played before. Last year we had over 200 boys and girls playing in the GYB program and we have room for more this year.
Options for this season:
K-BALL – This level is for Pre-K and Kindergarten players. The K-Ball program provides boys & girls (co-ed teams) the opportunity to learn beginning baseball skills and have a lot of fun! All kids will hit off tees and play in the field. There are usually two events a week with the season starting in April and ending in June. Registration is open now through April 1st.
ROOKIES – This is our transitional program between K-Ball and Junior Baseball. It is made up of 1st and 2nd graders and played on local Minor size (60 foot bases) fields. Rookies coaches will teach the rules of baseball as well as introduce the players to pitching. Rookies integrates a combination of player and coach pitching. There are usually two events a week with the season starting in April and ending in June. Registration is open now through April 1st.
JUNIOR BASEBALL (JBO) – This is our competitive program for 3rd through 8th grade players. Players will have the opportunity to tryout/be evaluated for a JBO team. Evaluations will be at Glencoe High School on February 8th and 9th. Additional details about evaluations are posted below. Registration is open now through February 7th.
This level of play requires multiple practices per week and typically increase in amount based on the level of play. Once games begin expect two league games per week and there may be weekend tournaments. Practices are anticipated to start after evaluations with the season running through the end of July.
As many of you know, it takes a large group of volunteers to continually offer programs like this to our kids. You do not need prior baseball experience to volunteer. We at GYB strongly believe in the positive coaching experiences we can and should be giving our kids, to help them be successful on and off the field.
Currently we have multiple board positions available. If you are interested in learning more about the available positions, please contact one of the current board members. A list of open positions, along with board member contact information, can be found on the GYB website.
Winter Camps
Similar to prior years, we will be offering winter camps for 3rd through 8th graders on Fridays in January. Join us on Friday, January 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st at Glencoe High School on the turf field for some baseball workouts. Juniors and Seniors are 4:30-5:45, Minors 5:45-7:00. Please arrive a few minutes early to check in. Players just need tennis shoes, rubber cleats or turf shoes, and a baseball glove. A bat and helmet are optional. Coaches will be running each age group through warmups, some throwing drills and possibly some hitting work. Please sign up on the link. The cost is free, but donations are accepted either online or at check-in
Registering 2 or more siblings?
If you are registering 2 or more siblings for baseball, please contact Andrew (andrew@glencoebasketball.org) for a 10% discount code.
Check out the Glencoe Youth Baseball website for more information. If the site doesn’t address your question(s) feel free to reach out to glencoeyouthbaseball@gmail.com.
2025 Junior Baseball Evaluations!
Day 1 of evaluations start on Saturday, February 8th at Glencoe High School on the turf field. All players must be registered in order to participate.
After Day 1 evaluations, the Glencoe Youth Baseball board will identify the top 18-24 players in each age group (Minor, Junior, Senior) to return for Day 2 evaluations. Families of those players will be notified Saturday evening to return Sunday February 5th for the final day of tryouts. After the final day of tryouts, all players will be divided into the 3 different levels of teams. Federal teams are the highest-level players followed by American and National teams.
****There are currently no makeup dates, any changes will be communicated to all participants. If you are unable to attend the evaluations please contact glencoeyouthbaseball@gmail.com.****
Evaluations will be split by level (Minor, Junior, Senior):
Minors 3rd/4th Grade: 9:00am-10:30am: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
Juniors 5th/6th Grade: 11:00am-12:30pm: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
Seniors 7th/8th: 2:00 pm-3:00pm: Please arrive 30 minutes early for check in
Please dress accordingly. We will be mostly outside on the Glencoe High School turf field and within the batting cages or small gym.
Equipment needed for evaluations:
-Batting Helmet
-Baseball Hat
-Cleats & Regular Athletic Shoes
-Water/Hydrating Beverage
-Baseball pants/sweatpants (NO SHORTS)
-Long sleeves, this can be a long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, or athletic jacket
Field day completed, thank you volunteers
Umpires needed this season please reach out Dave Kuhns if you are interested.
Pre-K through 2nd grade we offer recreational levels of play. Their respective seasons run from the beginning to mid-April through about the time school ends in June. *Registration for these levels is open until April 1st.
3rd through 8th grade participate in evaluations and are placed accordingly on competitive level (there are three different levels at each age group with the lowest (National) being much less of a commitment for families) teams which play within the Junior Baseball Organization (JBO). *The season runs through July.
Fall Baseball runs from mid-August through October.